Bernie Knapp
November 14, 1929
Bernie was born in Goshen, Idaho. The youngest of 9 children (2 died in infancy) born to Justin Willis Knapp & Mabel Fidelia Hale.
The family moved often as Justin Willis sought work during the Great Depression. "We were the poorest of the poor," Bernie recounted.
Goshen, ID
The family moved back to Goshen, Idaho.
Bernie Sick
5yr old Bernie got really sick during the school year and had to quit school until the next year.
Rexburg, ID
With no work to be found in Goshen, the family moved to Rexburg, Idaho. Bernie's sister Marj married Barney South. Justin Willis went to Island Park to work the sawmill with Barney.
June 2, 1937
Island Park & Idaho Falls
Knapp family moves to Island Park to run the sawmill for the summer. Lived in cabins. In Fall, Justin & Mabel went to rent a house in Idaho Falls, couldn't find any and bought an empty lot at 347 Cleveland St.
Justin Willis and Barney build house on lot in Idaho Falls. Bernie is baptized into the LDS Church.
Ordained Deacon
Bernie was ordained a Deacon in the LDS Church (Idaho Falls 5th ward) by father Justin Willis Knapp.
South's Sawmill
Between 1943 and 1953, Bernie worked for Barney South at the sawmill in Island Park.
November 19, 1944
Ordained Teacher
Bernie was ordained a Teacher in the LDS Church (Idaho Falls 5th ward) by father Justin Willis Knapp.
November 24, 1946
Ordained Priest
Bernie was ordained a Priest in the LDS Church (Idaho Falls 5th ward) by father Justin Willis Knapp.
May 11, 1948
Graduated High School
Bernie Graduated from the Idaho Falls High School.
Ricks College
Bernie graduated with a Bachelor's in General Agriculture, and a minor in Animal Husbandry.
February 27, 1949
Ordained Elder
Bernie was ordained an Elder in the LDS Church (Idaho Falls 9th ward) by father Justin Willis Knapp.
Army Service
Bernie was drafted in July of 1953 during the Korean War. He completed Basic Training at Fort Ord, California and was stationed in Friedberg, Germany with the 29th Field Artillery Battalion. He was able to travel across much of Europe and the Middle East during his leaves. Bernie was realeased in May, 1955 at Fort Carson, Colorado.
Bernie attended Utah State University in Logan, with the intent of getting his teaching certificate in Zoology. He received his mission call and left before finishing. Barney Died in February. Bernie continued to help Marj run and operate the sawmill when he wasn't at school.
Missionary Service
Bernie served a mission for the LDS Church in the Southern Far East mission. He was assigned to the Taiwan Zone. He was called to serve 36 mos, but the church changed general service to 30 mos. Bernie got permission to stay an extra 3 mos. He served March 58 – November 60.
After his mission, Bernie returned to help at the sawmill until it was sold in July of 1961. He started school at BYU Provo, where he completed his teaching certificate, majoring in Zoology with minors in Botany and Driver's Ed.
Driver's Ed
Bernie had planned to teach school in Shelley, ID, but one of his BYU professors recommended him to teach Driver's Ed at Utah Technical College (now UVU). He interviewed and was hired for the job at UTC. Bernie taught Driver's Ed there from 1962–1988 when he retired.
July 22, 1965
Bernie Married Louise Andrus in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple for time and all eternity. (See the combined Bernie and Louise timeline for more info about events from their married life)
February 24, 1980
Ordained High Priest
Bernie was ordained a High Priest in the LDS Church (Jameston Ward, Shelley, ID) by Justin A Knapp.
Bernie officially retired from teaching Driver's Ed at Utah Technical College (now UVU), but continued to teach Driver's Ed there part-time for a few more years.
After his retirement, Bernie spent the remainder of his life raising children, grandchildren, and serving his neighbors and family. He was well known for delivering the paper to the widows and elderly in his neighborhood, buying groceries for those in need, and other acts of kindness and service.
Church Service
Bernie served faithfully in many various callings in the LDS Church. Most notably, he diligently locked the LDS church building located at 1289 E, 300 S, in Provo, UT every night for countless years. Best estimates say he did this for over 20 years. He also regularly donated to the LDS Mission fund, and helped his children and grandchildren financially with their missionary service.
May 29, 2015
Having suffered declining health for a few months, Bernie passed away peacefully on May 29th, while surrounded by family. He was 85 years old.
July 2, 2015
Funeral Service
Due to conflicting family schedules, Bernie's funeral was delayed so that his children could attend. He is buried in the Marion Cemetery in Marion, Utah.
Louise Knapp
March 5, 1939
Louise was born in Marion, Utah. The 8th child of 12 (2 born dead) children in their family. And the 2nd child born to John Ivan Andrus Sr and Susie May Duke (Winterton) after their union.
Louise was baptized by her father Ivan Andrus in the reservoir on their farm.
When Louise was about 15, her family began timbering (logging) to earn enough money to provide for their family. They worked East of Oakley, UT and in Soapstone Basin, cutting and skidding (hauling) logs. Louise and Doug skidded logs with their horses. They spent their summers for the next few years timbering.
Graduated High School
Louise Graduated from South Summit High School in Kamas, Utah. She graduated as the Salutatorian of her class.
Louise graduated with a Bachelor's in Homemaking Education.
Home Ec Teacher, Tabiona
Louise taught Home Economics in Tabiona, UT for 7th–12th grade students. She was the only female faculty member and also taught P.E. and led the Pep club there.
Missionary Service
Louise served a mission for the LDS Church in the Southern Far East Mission. She was assigned to the Taiwan Zone. She was one of only a handful of sister missionaries serving in Taiwan at that time and served for two years.
Sewing Teacher
Louise taught sewing for one school year at Lincoln Jr High in the Salt Lake City School District.
July 22, 1965
Louise Married Bernie Knapp in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple for time and all eternity. (See the combined Bernie and Louise timeline for more info about events from their married life).
Louise had begun studying the gospel with a group of friends "Gospel Girls." While seeking spiritual knowledge and truth, they came to believe that "plural marriage is a correct eternal principle." Some of her friends joined with a man named John Bryant (Samuel) and were excommunicated. Louise was questioned by her Stake President, who charged her with apostasy. On the grounds of not believing that the LDS Church President "holds all keys of the Priesthood and is the sole person through whom the Lord speaks to all people," and the belief that "the LDS church was in apostasy for not allowing its members to live the gospel as restored by Joseph Smith," she was excommunicated. Louise is still devoutly religious and believes many principles and teachings of the LDS church. See her Life Story for more details.
Tutor at UVCC
Louise worked for Utah Valley Community College (now UVU) as a tutor. And also taught English to a small group at Provo High School.
Provo District & Jail
Louise taught reading at Provo High School and English in the Provo School District's Adult High School, which included teaching English at the Utah County Jail.
Utah County Treatment Center
While teaching English at the County Jail, Louise was hired to also work at "Detox." The job transitioned into Utah County Substance Abuse Treatment Center (aka Foothill), where she worked until retiring in Nov 2007.
In the midst of working for Utah County, Louise worked for World Marketing Alliance (WMA), which later became World Financial Group (WFG). She worked their with alongside a few of her children.
Bluegrass Band
At the invitation of her brother Doug, Louise began attending a Bluegrass class at the Springville Senior Center. She began learning to play the fiddle and played with their group for a few months, before losing much of her hearing.
Meniere's Disease
In 2012 Louise was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease after having lost much of her hearing and experiencing long spells of diziness and sickness.
After Bernie's passing, Louise has spent much of her time travelling around the U.S. visiting her children and assisting them with her grandchildren. She has found great joy in spending time with her posterity and in observing the shennanigans her grandchildren get up to.
At the present time, Louise is working on getting Translated, as dying is clearly overrated.
Bernie & Louise Knapp
Spring 1965
Farm in Edgemont
Bernie purchased a 6 acre farm in the Edgemont Springs areas of Provo, Utah. It had a stream, fruit trees, farm house, shed, shop, and some pasture. Bernie also raised horses there. Address: Rural Route 2, Provo, Utah.
July 22, 1965
Louise Married Bernie Knapp in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple for time and all eternity.
June 15, 1966
Lisa Born
Lisa was born in Provo, Utah. The first child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
August 10, 1968
Willis Born
Willis was born in Provo, Utah. The second child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
October 26, 1969
Justin Born
Justin was born in Provo, Utah. The third child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
February 24, 1973
Shaun Born
Shaun was born in Provo, Utah. The fourth child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
December 14, 1974
Joseph Born
Joseph was born in Provo, Utah. The fifth child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
March 22, 1976
Ruth Born
Ruth was born in Provo, Utah. The sixth child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
June 12, 1977
Jess Born
Jess was born in Provo, Utah. The seventh child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
August 1978
Moved to Shelley, Idaho
The Knapp family moved to Shelley, ID to rent a house. According to Louise, Bernie sold their Provo farm to get Louise away from her "Gospel Girl" friends, as he believed they were a bad influence on her. Bernie worked for David South building domes. Address: 199 Spruce Avenue, Shelley, Idaho.
January 24, 1979
Kathy Born
Kathy was born while the family was in Shelley, Idaho. The eigth child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
Summer 1979
Moved to Jameston, Idaho
The Knapp family moved to Jameston, Idaho to buy a house and live closer to the Souths. Address: Sandhill Road, Jameston, Idaho.
March 29, 1980
Tim Born
Tim was born while the family was in Jameston, Idaho. The ninth child of Louise and Bernie Knapp.
August 1980
Moved to Provo, Utah
The Knapp family moved to Provo, Utah. Bernie's job working for David South required him to travel, and he didn't want to be away from the family; he went back to his previous job teaching Driver's Ed. Address: 1157 E 640 S, Provo, Utah.
August 1988
Moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho
The Knapp family moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho. Address: Lewisville Highway, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
August 1989
Moved to Provo, Utah
The Knapp family moved back to Provo, Utah because the kids enjoyed going to school in Utah more than Idaho. Address: 900 S, Provo, Utah.
December 1989
Moved in Provo, Utah
The Knapp family moved to another home in Provo, Utah. Address: 1450 E 345 S, Provo, Utah.
Justin Willis Knapp
Coming 2021
Mabel Fidelia Hale Knapp
Coming 2021
Justin & Mabel Knapp
Coming 2021
John Ivan Andrus Sr
Coming 2021
Susie May Duke Winterton Andrus
Coming 2021
Ivan & Susie Andrus
Coming 2021